Safe Church Ministry – Equipping Congregations in Abuse Awareness, Prevention, and Response
Safe Church Ministry equips congregations in abuse awareness, prevention, and response. We help build communities where the value of each person is honored; where people are free to worship and grow free from abuse; and where abuse has occurred, the response is compassion and justice that foster healing.
Safe Church Team Resources |
Background Checks:Resources:APRIL is ABUSE AWARENESS MONTH CRC Network more resources on Safe Church The above links lead to several more resources What is CRC Safe Church Ministry?Why does the CRC have Safe Church Ministry? How did it come to be? What does the denomination say about it? The resources below will help answer these questions. If you are a pastor, church leader or person with limited time – look for the items with a star. They will give you a summary of what you need to know about Safe Church Ministry.
Where can I find help to create a Safe Church Policy for my church?Safe church policies help protect the most vulnerable among us, especially our children. Policies also protect churches, church staff and volunteers from possible false allegations of abuse. Everyone is safer when policies are in place and followed. Policies send an important message to all that each person is valued and their dignity will be respected in this place. The following resources will help answer the questions: Why is a Safe Church Policy important? What needs to be included in a Safe Church Policy? What do staff and volunteers need to know about a policy?
What is a Safe Church Ministry Team?The CRC has encouraged each classis to have a Safe Church Team and each church to have a representative on that team. Safe Church Teams support healthy churches in three ways: 1) provide educational opportunities for churches regarding issues surrounding abuse 2) offer the Advisory Panel Process when an adult brings an allegation of abuse against a church leader and 3) help churches provide compassionate support for those who struggle with abuse. The office of Safe Church Ministry provides training for Safe Church Ministry Teams. The following resources will help answer the questions: How does a Safe Church Ministry Team work? What does it do? What resources does it provide for churches?
What can my church do to increase awareness about Safe Church Ministry? Where can I go to get ideas?Abuse Awareness Sunday happens once a year, the 4th Sunday in September. This provides opportunity for CRC churches to focus on the issue of abuse, bringing it out from the secrecy and silence where it thrives, into the light of God’s truth. Abuse in church is NOT OK; talking about abuse in church IS OK; and can lead to help and healing. These resources may be used any time of the year. Where can I find more information about issues surrounding abuse?Because it’s so prevalent among us, I believe that churches need to be more aware of and concerned with abuse; preventing abuse and responding to those who have been hurt by abuse. I would like to do my part and want to begin by learning more about it. More… |